Ideas and Activities for Lent, Holy Week, and First Reconciliation

February Post Round Up

This month on the blog...

Lent is in full swing! I have lots of kid-friendly tips and activities for Lent, Holy Week, and the Sacred Triduum. Check out the recent posts below!

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Recent articles

Ideas for a Beautiful and Holy Catholic Lent with Littles

This post will give you lots of ways to have a holy Catholic Lent with Littles!

Maundy Thursday Meaning and Significance: A Helpful Guide

In the Catholic Church, Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday) kicks off the most holy liturgical season of the year – the Holy Triduum.

St. Joseph Feast Day Table: Recipes for the Celebration

A favorite Italian tradition to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day is The St. Joseph Feast Day Table also known as St. Joseph’s Altar.

Also on the blog...

Holy Week Homeschool Activities to Enter into the Holy Triduum

How to Prepare Children for the First Sacrament of Reconciliation

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Ora et Schola

I'm a Catholic Homeschool blogger and educator with lots of tips for homeschooling, teaching the Catholic faith, liturgical living, and homemaking. Join me at!

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